What is the 1st Marine Division?
The 1st MD is a realism unit on Day of Defeat: Source, an online FPS (First Person Shooter) game. The 1st MD strives to be as realistic as possible in the way we operate as a whole, from the Chain of Command to the use of World War II ranks and their responsibilities. The 1st MD does scrimmages against other realism units, simply called a "realism" by the Realism Community. We have a mandatory- attendance weekly meeting, what we call "Drills", every Saturday at 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Once you are placed in a squad in the 1st MD you will be required to attend those "Drills" as well.
We do what we call "Public Realisms", or "Pub Realisms/ Publisms", often. The password is almost always simply "realism". When we have one going on, go ahead and join us!
We are not a clan. We are a UNIT!
Requirements to be in and stay in the 1st MD:
•You must comply with all orders from ranks that are above yours.
•You must be respectful to ranks above yours.
•You must comply with all rules/ weapons restrictions.
•You must be mature.
•You must have good conduct.
•You must be active.
These requirements can and may change at any time.
Why join the 1st Marine Division?
If you enjoy the tactical aspects of realism and don't mind a rank system of which you must comply with, the 1st is the place for you! The 1st Marine Division provides tactical training to prepare for "official realisms" against other units in the Realism Community. The 1st MD is not only made up of "robot soldiers", but a group of guys who know when to be serious and when not to be. We have fun days (for instance, we may have a Rocket class only day on the public server) and serious days (weekly meeting on Saturday). All in all, we realize that we play on a game and try to keep it fun. If you're not sure about joining, try it out! We can't and won't force you to stay.
If all those things are things that you like, can do and comply with, the 1st MD is the place for you!
What is a Realism?
A "realism" is a game inside of a game. You no longer play as you usually would on DOD:S (taking flags, multiple respawns); the game becomes more tactical. At start, two "leaders" are picked. They take turns choosing players and once both teams are evenly filled, the first round starts. The map is split into two. One side defends, the other attacks. There are four rounds in a realism. Once one team wins, they respawn as the same team and do the opposite they did at first (Axis defends first, then attack; Allies attack first, then defend). The leaders in the realism must make tactical orders, leading their team on different routes of attack on a map, or setting their players up in strategic places when their team is on defense. Once one set of players play as defense and attack on one team, they switch to the other team (if you were initially picked for Axis, at the start of the third round you switch to Allies). Depending on what am you are now on, you defend or attack (on the 1st MD's server, Axis always defends first (Axis- DAAD, Allies- ADDA)- from the initial picking of teams to the switch on the third round). The team with the most points at the end of the fourth round wins the realism.
Variations occur in the realism community with boundaries and rules. In the gameplay, most important is that sometimes they will end the realism once one team wins three rounds, and the other team has not scored any points (3-0).
Another variation is the use of half- fields and half tankhouse versus full fields and full tankhouse on the map dod_donner, the primary realism map. The 9th ID does half tankhouse and half fields, however, there a few units who will use full fields and full tankhouse. Make sure to ask what the boundaries are on a server doing a realism when you join a team automatically!
"Fields" and "Tankhouse" are names of areas on the map of dod_donner.
What happens when both teams have two points at the end of the fourth round?
If the scores turn out to be even (2 wins for both teams), what happens is what is called a AVA (Attack versus Attack). Commonly an AVA is played out with only rifles and is won by the process of elimination (one team eliminates all players on the other team). However, there is a variant commonly known as a "Force Battle". This variant is played as though a regular Day of Defeat: Source match- one team must capture all the flags on the map, however, this is done with only rifles.
We encourage you to consider joining the 1st Marine Division, even to just test it out. Who knows? You might like it.
Hope to see you on the battlefield!
the 1st MD Senior Staff